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Hi, and Welcome!

My name is Maya and my ambition is to help riders overcome whatever obstacle that might be preventing them from fully enjoying their horse and/or their performance.
In order to do this I have a degree in Sport and Performance Psychology as well as many years’ experience of working with riders from novice to top level, within all disciplines. It doesn’t matter if your problem is nerves before shows, that you are scared of hacking or jumping after gaining some bad experiences or if you just can’t seem to peak your performance when it is vital to do so.

I can help!
For more information about Sport and Performance Psychology and what it actually is, please click on the option in the menu above.

I started riding when I was twelve years old, after I had very realistically realized that perhaps becoming a ballerina wasn’t in my stars after all. I started off quite intimidated by horses (even if I only rode Shetland ponies the first year!), but I soon fell in love with everything horsey and that romance is still going strong.

I am both proud and grateful for all the wonderful opportunities I have had over the years: from attending one of Sweden’s best Equine Colleges to being coached by Olympic competitors and working with top riders in different countries in order to learn as much as possible.


I have up until very recently worked professionally as a rider, but have come to the conclusion that the hunger for prestige and glory that used to fuel my ambition to ride and compete full time has slowly transitioned into the aspiration to help others with their horses. Over the years in the industry and attending university I have come across so many situations when a rider’s problem is rooted in the mind, often based on some level of fear that the sensitive animals that horses are pick up on even before the rider him/herself has identified the problem. This can lead to unfortunate miscommunications and errors, that in turn can lead to far greater problems…

This is when a sport psychology coach like myself could be helpful.

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